Friday, February 7, 2020

The main causes of slavery and solution to the problem of slavery Essay

The main causes of slavery and solution to the problem of slavery - Essay Example The present research has identified that before Abraham Lincoln’s election into office, United States was a haven of peace and stability. There was no race, ethnicity or any form of social diversification. All people were equal, and no region north or south was superior to the other. Concealment by the governing departments offered an incredibly fertile environment for the growth of slavery. Heads of government, including the secretary of state who should be on the frontage of protecting all persons, concealed all information regarding the growth of slavery and civil wars in the country. The information was censured to meet a predetermined objective which was to cover up for slavery and the lords of the civil wars. The irony of these problems is that everyone knew about the problem apart from the heads of governments. This is a clear indication that the head of government had undisclosed interest. The civil wars and the rebellions that have been witnessed between the northern and the southern people are politically motivated. This is because of the disunity that has been created between the northern and the southern. The southern politicians are disappointed by the northern abolitionist since they feel that they are not handling slavery and civil wars in the right manner. The politicians are inciting their subjects by providing for them ammunition. The politicians have continued taking most of the positions and resources to be their own sources of wealth. The common citizens are the victims of wars and slavery while the politicians are the beneficiaries in both the southern and the northern regions. Most of the powers of the country were accorded to few individuals. The individuals decided how, who, when, and why things are done. Their decisions are final and irrevocable even at the courts of law.

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